I don't know about you, but I'm a bit of a sucker for a good bit of camo on a cycling kit. Perhaps a bit counter-intuitive since most of us try to minimize the excuses we give drivers for not seeing us, but then most cycling camo kits seem to have elements on hi-viz on them anyway.
So if like me you appreciate a little bit of camo action on your cycling gear, here are five of my favorites (in no particular order):
1. Komraid Splinter
Komraid took inspiration from the Swedish M90 (sometimes called 'Splinter' camo) for a number of designs, including the classic green/brown, a winter set in grey/black and even white and blue versions. To break up the camo there are contrasting brightly-coloured sections on the neck, torso an arms (and if you get the matching arm warmers and shorts, those too).

2. Capo Cycling M90
Not for the faint-hearted or those without a decent tan on those cycling arms and legs, this Capo M90 kit is no longer in production but certainly still makes a statement (on the rare occasions I have the balls to wear it in public!).

3. Giant Sydney Ltd Edition Cuore
One of those kits you kick yourself for not buying when you had the chance (I don't think it's available anymore) is this fantastic Giant Sydney store special kit from 2018. I love the digital camo design and the fit and quality on Cuore stuff is always excellent.

4. Morvelo Hensley
Morvelo has done a couple of camo designs over the last few years. For 2020, they have their "Hensley" design which is a merino wool cycling jersey. The camo design isn't quite as close to the old British DPM camouflage of old as the previous design, but still has a more organic feel than the stylised M90s used by other designers.

5. Morvelo Winter Attack
If you like your camo kit to not really look much like camo, Morvelo's Winter Attack design uses geometric shapes to create a pseudo-camo effect in white, grey and black. I have this kit for winter rides and the bib longs are among the warmest I've ever worn. Personally I'd love a flash of hi-viz, but nonetheless it's a stylish winter kit (that washes up well, very important on muddy winter rides!).

and finally.... a bonus notable mention.
Glorious CC: Quite similar to the green and orange design from Komraid, but with a more pronounced banner across the chest and back. I got to know this kit well in the pouring rain at Red Bull Timelaps in 2019 as I worked with Hamish for a few laps!
So those are my top five camo kits. Any more you'd like to add?